The journey begins
Your journey to help people break through sloppy thinking & dogmatism begins with the basics.
Don’t be intimidated by the fallacies on this level. Learning these will help you spot mistakes in people’s reasoning—& maybe even your own!
Light fades
The challenges on this level are Must Know! They’re the staple of believer’s arguments.
Dark, dank
Successfully complete these important categories & you’ll now have most of what you need to help people escape from faith delusions.
You’ll frequently encounter these topics in conversation with the faithful. For a challenge, spend some time with the Cosmological argument.
Banish ignorance!
These quizzes are conceptually more difficult. You’ll need to become more discerning in your responses.
The examined life
This level contains varied & random topics. Many categories have only 1 or 2 questions. Finish this and you’re ready for dialogues!
Apply what you've learned in these sustained conversations. Their length is not fixed, but variable, like an actual conversation.
The unshackling
These dialogues are difficult. Your conversation partner will be more adept & offer more complex responses.
Freed from delusion
These are advanced, sustained dialogues. Upon completion you’ll be ready to help people live lives free of delusion!