
Atheos Dialogue: Atheists Suck

Atheists are arrogant, evil & stupid. You have to be stupid not to believe in God.

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You atheists are evil.

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Fair enough, but you atheists are hateful. You hate God/authority/theism/Christianity.

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Okay, but atheists are stupid. You need to prove that God doesn't exist.

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You're not an atheist then. You're just an agnostic!

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But there's good evidence for God's existence.

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What about the fact that there's something rather than nothing & that the universe is fine-tuned for human life?

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Don't the philosophical arguments for God give good reason to believe?

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What do you mean?

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But there's good historical evidence for God/Jesus/Muhammad.

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The historical sources aren't making improbable claims if God exists!

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True. But that doesn't mean that these claims are false.

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Don't we have good sources?

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You make some good points. I suppose atheists do have some good reasons to disbelieve.

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I suppose not.