Atheos Time to Skedaddle
It's best to not engage with a believer when...
Select an ideal response for:
[grabs your shirt collar] Believe in God or I'll kick your ass. I'm dead serious.
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Hello, boss. Tough day at the office, huh? My spouse & I would like you to attend our son's bar mitzvah next week.
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Hey! You're that person asking people questions. I demand that you interview me next. I am sooo ready to crush you!
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If God didn't exist, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'd start killing everyone in sight.
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I'm entering the hospital tomorrow & there's a very high likelihood I'll not come out alive. But I know Jesus has cloaked me in His love.
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(slurring words) Hey man. I need five bucks... to keep my high going. I prayed to God & He... sent you to help me, man!
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I presuppose God exists. You know it, too. This was divinely revealed to us all in Scripture. No one can know anything without God. I'll never consider anything else.
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Our Satanic group is breaking into the morgue later tonight to invoke the Four Crowned Princes of Hell. You in?
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I busted my head open & have severe & permanent brain damage. Thank the Maker I didn't die. Did I tell you I busted my head open?
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I had severe, crippling depression for the past decade. Only the blood of Jesus keeps me from going back to those dark, dark days.
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Yeah! It's my 8th birthday! Did you know Sister Marietta says I have a special calling to be a nun?!
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We've been talking for just 10 minutes, but my head is spinning with thoughts & emotions. I'm confused. Please continue with your questions.
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