
Atheos God Means Business

This book is literally, absolutely, & completely true.

Select an ideal response for:

After Adam & Eve’s original sin, they could see each other naked. How else do you think we could see each other naked?

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All the proof I need is in my holy book. It has all the answers.

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God put dinosaur fossils on Earth to test our faith.

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I am sold out for Christ.

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I don't have a reason to believe—I just believe.

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I will not listen to information or interpretations that conflict with my holy book.

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I will shun people if they don’t believe in God. They are sinners & should be cast out.

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I’d rather worship my God than the Devil.

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Billy Graham said, 'I've read the last page of the Bible. It's going to turn out all right.' See?!

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Jesus died for my sins & your sins. Repent, sinner.

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My ancestors had the wrong interpretation of my religion. I have the correct one.

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My holy book is the one true word of God.

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My holy book proves that God is real.

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My holy book states it’s true.

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The Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist. That’s why I believe in God.

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The end is at hand! Repent before it’s too late.

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The end is near & Jesus is coming back any day now.

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The fool says in his heart there is no God.

Select an ideal response for:

The [insert holy book] says so. The [insert holy book] is the word of God.

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The unequivocal fact of Christ’s empty tomb is proof of His existence.

Select an ideal response for:

You’ve been sent by the Devil to test my faith.