Atheos Didn't Come from Monkeys, Part 1
Genetic change. Diversity of life. It's all there.
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Chemicals could not have randomly converged to form genetic codes like DNA & RNA without the guidance of a God.
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Complex life emerging from random chance is like a tornado moving through a junkyard & building a functional airplane.
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Consciousness cannot evolve from matter alone.
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DNA consists of complex code that must require a designer God.
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DNA contains too much information to be random collections of data. A supreme being must have designed it.
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Evolution describes how humans came to be, but doesn’t explain how life started. It must have been the Gods.
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Evolution doesn’t disprove God.
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Evolution is an unproven theory—a fairy tale for grown-ups!
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Evolution is false. I didn't come from a monkey.
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Evolution is just a theory & has never been proven.
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God caused life.
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God made the human body.
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How can evolution be true without the addition of new genetic material?
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How can evolution explain why we have farm animals so well-suited to human needs, like cows & chickens?
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How could sex have evolved?
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